Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sory too knot wright four a whyle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sory I did not wright any moore chapters too my story!

The main reson I stoped was becase I had a mal-a-dy (that means bad health, illness, sickness). I had my tonsels taken out and it was dis-mal (that means depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings) but not mal-odor-eous (or stincky). I could not eat much witch made me feel mal-nour-ished (you know, having poor nutrition). But at least I didn't have ma-lar-i-a (which is a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes).  Then I just forgot too write my blog.  I have deesided to continu the story!!!!!!  

Stay tooned to sea what hapens to Geo as he is atacked by mon keys (you mite want to re-read his past delishous affical adventres and the evil physicion's plot to deestroy the world to remind urself wear he has ben and hoo he is). The physician was a mal-evo-lent (one that wishes bad things happen to others) mal-e-fac-tor (or an evil doer; a person who does bad things. The root word is male. Isn't that funny.) There might be mal-fea-scance (or bad conduct by a public official, say a cop for example) or mal-ice (mischief) or something mal-ig-nant (harmful).

P.S. if you have any particuelar words you want me to use in the future adventurs of Geo, pleze add them as coments to this post.
P.S.S.  I purposly misspeled some words. Can u find all of them? You can also post the mispeled wrds as commnts to this post. How many are their?
P.S.S.S  I'll probably have my next chapter next week.
P.S.S.S.S I have a spelling test tomorrow. Wish me luck.
P.S.S.S.S.S Can you guess witch words in this post are spelling words?

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone notice that Jake's Cugar post is misspelled? I thot I was the bad speller!
